Schedule of Events

Thursday, March 6th 9:00 am - 4:00 pmFarm Tours

A day of local farm tours highlighting AgriTourism in the Arkansas Valley and beyond - more details to come!

Thursday, March 6th 4:30 pm - 6:00 pmHappy Hour

Join us for a pre-screening social highlighting local foods and libations.

Thursday, March 6th 6:30 pm - 8:00 pmFilm Screening

Your chance to see "Roots so Deep (You Can See the Devil Down There)" at the SteamPlant theater, followed by a live Q&A.

Friday, March 7th, 8:30 am - 3:30 pmAgriSummit Conference

A full day of inspiring talks for all interest areas, hosted at Salida's SteamPlant Event Center on the Arkansas River. Spanish translation will be provided.

Friday, March 7th, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pmOpen House & Seed Swap

Taste local libations, shop the farmers market, hear live music, and bring your saved seeds to swap at this favorite closing event! Free for registrants or $5 suggested donation at the door.

Friday, March 7th, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pmRMFU Social

Join the Upper Arkansas Chapter of Rocky Mountain Farmers Union for a social mixer. All are welcome!

Saturday, March 8th, 8:00 am - 5:30 pmColorado Grain Chain Grain Summit

Connect with Colorado’s grain community and experts from grain producers, food manufacturers and chefs, millers, maltsters, brewers, distillers, and local food distributors.

Keynote Speaker

Fred Provenza

Fred Provenza grew up in Salida, Colorado, working on a ranch while attending school in Wildlife Biology at Colorado State University. He is professor emeritus of Behavioral Ecology in the Department of Wildland Resources at Utah State University where he worked for 35 years, directing an award-winning research group that pioneered an understanding of how learning influences foraging behavior and how behavior links soil, plants, herbivores, and humans.

He is one of the founders of BEHAVE, an international network of scientists, ranchers, farmers, and land managers committed to integrating behavioral principles with local knowledge to enhance environmental, economic, and cultural values of rural and urban communities.

He is the author of three books, including Nourishment: What Animals Can Teach Us about Rediscovering Our Nutritional Wisdom; Foraging Behavior: Managing to Survive in a World of Change; and The Art & Science of Shepherding: Tapping the Wisdom of French Herders (co-author with Michel Meuret). He has published over 300 research papers in a wide variety of scientific journals. He has been an invited speaker at over 500 conferences.

We are thrilled to welcome Fred back to Salida as our keynote speaker!

About AgriSummit

One of the most inspiring agricultural events of the year, the theme of Guidestone's 10th annual AgriSummit Conference is Nurturing Connections, Nourishing the Future. We'll highlight the many deep-rooted and widespread connections at the heart of local food systems. The event will offer educational sessions, networking opportunities, and discussions focused on local food production, food access and agritourism in our region. All Friday sessions will include simultaneous interpretation in Spanish.

Event highlights include:

  • Keynote address
  • Workshops
  • Breakout sessions
  • Panel discussions
  • Social networking events
  • Resources for current producers and beginning farmers and ranchers
  • Avenues for community members to engage in supporting regional food systems
  • Open house seed swap & early farmer's market

In the spirit of connection, Guidestone is not only putting on the main event, Agrisummit, but also partnering this year with Colorado State University’s Food Systems Institute as the Mountain Region's Regional Food Summit partner and the Colorado Grain Chain for the first annual Colorado Grain Summit. 

We can’t wait to see you there!

Uno de los eventos agrícolas más inspiradores del año, el tema de la 10ª Conferencia Anual AgriSummit de Guidestone es "Nutriendo Conexiones, Nutriendo el Futuro". Mostraremos las conexiones profundas y extendidas en el corazón de los sistemas alimentarios locales. El evento ofrecerá sesiones educativas, oportunidades para establecer contactos y debates sobre la producción local de alimentos, el acceso a los alimentos y el agroturismo en nuestra región. Todas las sesiones el viernes tendrán  interpretación simultánea en español.

Este evento incluye:

  • Discurso
  • Talleres
  • Sesiones pequeñas
  • Mesas redondas
  • Eventos en redes sociales
  • Recursos para productores actuales y agricultores y rancheros nuevas
  • Oportunidades para miembros de la comunidad de participar en el apoyo a los sistemas alimentarios regionales
  • Intercambio de semillas durante nuestro casa abierta y mercado de productores 

En el espíritu de conexión, Guidestone no solo está organizando el evento principal, Agrisummit, sino que también se asoció este año con el Instituto de Sistemas Alimentarios de Colorado State University para la Cumbre Regional de Alimentos de la Región de Montañas y Colorado Grain Chain para la primera Cumbre Anual de Granos de Colorado. 

¡Esperamos verles allí!

About the Colorado Grain Summit

The Colorado Grain Summit, hosted in partnership with the Northwest & Rocky Mountain Regional Food Business Center, aims to inspire businesses using local grains to envision pathways for sustainable growth and increased market impact. This single-day conference will feature curated networking sessions, expert panels, and keynotes highlighting innovative success stories across the grain supply chain. Our goal is to create an environment that fosters partnerships, provides pathways to market expansion, and connects grain producers with businesses across Colorado. See the agenda here.

Register for both events to receive $10 off each!


If the cost of registration or travel present a barrier to your participation in AgriSummit, we are happy to provide scholarships and participation support to cover travel, childcare, or other personal costs you incur. We also have scholarships for beginning, young and aspiring producers. Apply for an AgriSummit scholarship using this form to receive a discount code prior to registering. Apply for a Grain Summit scholarship here.

Si la cuesta de la inscripción o el viaje presentan una barrera para su participación en AgriSummit, nos complace proporcionar becas y apoyo de participación para cubrir los costos de viaje, cuidado de niños u otros costos personales en los que incurra. También contamos con becas para productores nuevos, jóvenes y aspirantes. Solicite una beca AgriSummit utilizando este formulario para recibir un código de descuento antes de registrarse. Solicita una beca de Grain Summit aquí.

  • Farm Tours always sell out - sign up early! Locations TBD

  • Thursday Night Gathering and Networking

  • Thursday Night Film

Rocky Mountain Farmers Union Farmer Social at High Side Restaurant 300 W Sackett Ave, Salida CO 81201

Registrant Info


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